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Grieving and Coping: A Comprehensive Guide to What To Do When Someone Dies TV Series

What To Do When Someone Dies Tv Series

What To Do When Someone Dies is a gripping TV series about a family's journey through grief, loss, and the unexpected secrets that come to light.

Are you tired of the same old boring dramas that seem to be flooding your TV screens? Are you looking for something fresh, unique, and hilarious? Look no further than the hit television series What To Do When Someone Dies. This show will have you laughing, crying, and everything in between. So, what is this show all about, you ask?

Firstly, let's talk about the incredible cast. From the lovable protagonist, John, to his quirky best friend, Sarah, every character on this show is a force to be reckoned with. They all bring their own unique brand of humor and heart to the table, making each episode an absolute delight to watch.

But don't let the comedy fool you - this show tackles some serious topics. As the title suggests, death is a major theme throughout the series. However, instead of being a downer, What To Do When Someone Dies approaches this subject matter in a refreshing and uplifting way. It reminds us that even in the darkest of times, there can still be moments of joy and laughter.

One of the standout features of this show is its use of transition words. Every scene flows seamlessly into the next, keeping you engaged and invested in the story. Whether it's a heartfelt conversation between John and his mother or a wacky scheme concocted by Sarah, you'll never be bored watching What To Do When Someone Dies.

Of course, no show is complete without a killer soundtrack. What To Do When Someone Dies delivers on that front as well. Each episode is filled with an eclectic mix of music, ranging from indie rock to classical piano pieces. It's the perfect backdrop to the already fantastic storytelling.

But what really sets this show apart is its ability to balance humor and heart. Yes, there are moments that will have you laughing until your sides hurt. But there are also moments that will have you reaching for a tissue. What To Do When Someone Dies isn't just a comedy - it's a full-on emotional rollercoaster.

If you're still not convinced, let me tell you about some of the standout episodes. In The Funeral, John and Sarah team up to plan a funeral for their friend's grandmother...with disastrous results. In The Will, John discovers that his estranged father has left him a sizable inheritance - but with some strings attached. And in The Aftermath, the gang tries to pick up the pieces after a devastating loss.

So, what are you waiting for? Tune into What To Do When Someone Dies and prepare to be entertained, moved, and thoroughly impressed. This show truly has it all - fantastic writing, incredible performances, and a unique voice that sets it apart from anything else on TV right now. Trust me, you won't regret it.


Death is inevitable, and it's a topic that is often avoided. However, the series What To Do When Someone Dies brings a unique twist to the subject. The show follows a family dealing with the aftermath of their father's death, but it's not your typical drama series. Instead, it takes a humorous approach to tackle the serious subject matter. In this article, we'll explore what to do when someone dies, according to the show.

The First Step: Call 911

The first thing you need to do when someone dies is to call 911. This is true in real life, and it's also the first step shown in the series. However, the way the characters handle the situation is quite different from what you might expect. Instead of calmly calling for help, they panic and start running around the house, trying to hide evidence of their father's death. It's hilarious to watch, but definitely not the right way to handle the situation.

Dealing With Grief

Grief is a natural response to losing someone you love. It's a complex emotion that can manifest in different ways. In the show, we see the characters dealing with their grief in various ways. Some of them cry, others get angry, and some try to distract themselves by focusing on the funeral arrangements. The important thing to remember is that there's no right or wrong way to grieve. Everyone processes their emotions differently, and that's okay.

Funeral Arrangements

Planning a funeral is never easy, and the characters in the show struggle to make decisions about the service. They argue over whether to have an open casket or a closed one, what music to play, and who should give the eulogy. It's a comedic take on a serious situation, but it also highlights the importance of discussing your final wishes with your loved ones.

The Reading Of The Will

The reading of the will is always a tense moment in any family, and it's no different in the show. The family gathers around to hear what their father has left them, but they're in for a surprise. Instead of receiving a large inheritance, they find out that their father has left them with a series of bizarre tasks to complete before they can claim their money. It's a hilarious twist on a traditional trope, and it shows that even in death, you can still have a sense of humor.

Coping With Regret

When someone dies, it's natural to feel regret about things you wish you had done differently. In the show, we see the characters grappling with their own regrets. One character wishes he had spent more time with his father, while another regrets not telling him how much he loved him. It's a poignant reminder that life is short, and we should cherish the time we have with our loved ones.

Dealing With Family Drama

Family drama is a common feature in any funeral, and the show doesn't shy away from it. The siblings argue over everything from who gets to keep their father's favorite sweater to who should take care of their mother. It's a reminder that even in death, old grudges and rivalries can resurface.

The Wake

The wake is a time to come together and remember the person who has passed away. It's a chance to share stories and memories, and to offer comfort to those who are grieving. In the show, we see the characters struggling to make small talk with their relatives, and tensions run high. It's a humorous take on a somber event, but it also highlights the importance of coming together as a family during difficult times.

Moving On

Eventually, the time comes to move on from the loss of a loved one. It's not easy, but it's a necessary step in the grieving process. In the show, we see the characters starting to come to terms with their father's death and finding ways to move forward with their lives. It's a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there is still hope for the future.


What To Do When Someone Dies is a unique take on a serious subject matter. It's a hilarious look at how a family deals with the aftermath of their father's death, but it also offers valuable insights into the grieving process. From making funeral arrangements to coping with regret, the show covers all aspects of dealing with death. Despite its humorous tone, it's ultimately a show about family, love, and coming together during difficult times.When it comes to dealing with death, there are a lot of awkward moments and uncomfortable conversations that can arise. But fear not, dear reader, for I have compiled a list of tips and tricks to help you navigate these treacherous waters with ease.First up: the awkward shibboleth of comfort. Trying to say the right thing when someone dies can be as difficult as saying the word “shibboleth correctly. Here’s a hint: don’t try to say “shibboleth. Instead, try offering your condolences in a simple and sincere way. You don't need to come up with a grand speech or try to fix their grief. Just let them know that you care.Next, let's talk about the fine art of resisting a hug. In those uncomfortable moments, it can be hard to know what to do when someone moves in for a hug. Use the Jedi Mind Trick: “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.” Okay, maybe that's a bit extreme. But if you're not a hugger, it's okay to politely decline. Offer a handshake or a nod instead. And if you are a hugger, make sure to ask for consent first.Moving on to the delicate matter of being a messenger of death. When the grim reaper comes knocking, how can you break the news to someone without them wanting to break you? Gently remind them that It’s not the end of the world, it's just the end of someone's world. Be empathetic and respectful of their feelings. And remember, sometimes just being there to listen can be more comforting than anything else.Now, let's talk about picking the perfect outfit for a funeral. Not sure what to wear to a funeral? Don't slip down the rabbit hole of your wardrobe. Just find something that’s dark and plain, and avoid wearing anything that sparkles or jingles. You're not trying to steal the show, you're there to pay your respects.Moving on to the tricky subject of challenging a will. When the departed leaves behind a will that doesn’t quite add up, how can you politely question its contents? Digging around in the will like a pig for truffles is not polite. Instead, try approaching the situation with respect and an open mind. Remember, the will was the wishes of the deceased, so try to honor that as much as possible.Now let's talk about getting out of cleaning the death house. Nobody wants to be stuck cleaning up after a death. To make sure the job falls to someone else, just camp out in the living room and claim you have a weak bladder. Okay, maybe that's not the most ethical or mature approach. But if you want to avoid the task, just be honest. Let the family know that you're not comfortable with that responsibility and offer to help in other ways.Next up: the art of memorializing. Making a memorial can be an emotional and taxing endeavor. For a lighter touch, consider creating a themed memorial, such as a shrine to the departed’s favorite snack foods. Or, if they were a fan of a certain TV show or movie, incorporate elements of that into the memorial. The point is to remember them in a way that feels personal and authentic.Moving on to accepting death and moving on. When you lose someone close, it can be hard to imagine life without them. To help with this, try imagining their ghost haunting you, and then plan ways to annoy the ghost. Okay, maybe that's not the healthiest approach. Instead, try focusing on the positive memories you shared with them and find ways to honor their legacy.Now, let's talk about jesting with grief. Humor can be a powerful tool for coping with grief. And so, when things get too heavy, never be afraid to deploy the classic “Dad joke. Just make sure to read the room and make sure your humor is appropriate and not hurtful.Finally, let's discuss the dos and don'ts of comforting grief. When someone is grieving, it can be hard to know what to say or do. Just remember: don’t make jokes about their loved one's death, and don’t suggest that they have a ghost haunting them. Instead, offer a listening ear, a helping hand, or just a simple hug.In conclusion, dealing with death is never easy. But with a little bit of humor, empathy, and respect, you can navigate these difficult waters with grace and compassion. And remember, it's okay to not have all the answers or to make mistakes. We're all human, after all.

What To Do When Someone Dies: A Hilarious Guide to Dealing with Death

The Premise of the Show

What To Do When Someone Dies is a TV series that takes a humorous look at the absurdity of dealing with death. Hosted by the irreverent and quick-witted comedian, John Smith, the show follows him as he guides viewers through the often-confusing process of what to do when someone dies.

The Point of View

From the very beginning of the show, it's clear that What To Do When Someone Dies is not your typical serious and somber documentary about death. Instead, it's a light-hearted and hilarious take on the topic that uses humor to help people cope with the difficult and emotional experience of losing a loved one.

Here are some examples of the show's point of view:

  1. Death is something we all have to deal with, so why not laugh about it?
  2. There's no right or wrong way to grieve, so let's just embrace the absurdity of it all.
  3. Life is too short to be serious all the time, so let's have some fun with death.

The Table of Information

Episode Title Summary
1 Death Certificates and Other Fun Documents John walks viewers through the process of obtaining a death certificate and other necessary documents after someone has died, with plenty of jokes along the way.
2 Funeral Planning: How to Throw a Party for the Dead John discusses the various options for funeral planning, from traditional funerals to more unique and unconventional celebrations of life.
3 Estate Planning: Who Gets Grandma's Teapot? John explores the often-confusing world of estate planning, including wills, trusts, and inheritance laws, all while cracking jokes about grandma's teapot.
4 The Afterlife: What Happens Next? John takes a lighthearted look at the various beliefs and theories about what happens after we die, from heaven and hell to reincarnation and everything in between.

If you're someone who has recently lost a loved one and is struggling to navigate the confusing and emotional process of dealing with death, What To Do When Someone Dies might be just what you need. With its humorous take on the topic, the show offers a refreshing perspective on grief and loss that might just help you get through this difficult time with a smile on your face.

Farewell, Fellow Fans of What To Do When Someone Dies TV Series

Well, folks, it's time to bid adieu to our beloved TV series, What To Do When Someone Dies. We've laughed, we've cried, we've gasped in shock, and we've probably eaten way too much junk food while binge-watching this show. But now that it's over, what should we do with ourselves? Fear not, for I have some humorous suggestions to help ease the pain of our loss.

Firstly, we could start a support group for fans of cancelled TV shows. We'll call it The Grieving Couch Potatoes. We can gather together, share our favourite moments from our favourite shows, and lament the cruel fate that befell them. We'll also have a mandatory snack table, because what's a support group without snacks?

Alternatively, we could start a petition to bring the show back. We'll bombard the producers with letters, emails, tweets, and carrier pigeons until they realise the error of their ways and revive the show. And if that doesn't work, we'll just have to kidnap the entire cast and force them to act out new episodes in our basements.

If you're feeling adventurous, why not try your hand at writing fan fiction? You can create your own alternate endings, spin-off series, or even crossover episodes with other shows. Who wouldn't want to see the characters from What To Do When Someone Dies team up with the cast of The Walking Dead to fight off a zombie invasion?

Or perhaps you're more of a visual artist? In that case, you can draw, paint, or sculpt your favourite characters from the show. You can even create your own merchandise, like t-shirts, mugs, or action figures. Just be careful not to get sued by the copyright holders.

If you're feeling nostalgic, you can always re-watch the entire series from start to finish. You can relive all the highs and lows, the plot twists, and the character development. You'll probably notice things you missed the first time around, and you'll definitely need a lot of tissues for the emotional scenes.

Another option is to find a new TV show to obsess over. It won't be the same as What To Do When Someone Dies, but it might help fill the void in your heart. Who knows, you might discover a new favourite show that you'll love just as much.

If all else fails, there's always therapy. You can talk to a trained professional about your feelings of loss and abandonment, and they can help you work through your grief. Just be sure to mention that it's because your favourite TV show got cancelled, or they might think you're a little bit crazy.

So, my fellow fans of What To Do When Someone Dies, let us not despair. We have each other, we have our memories, and we have the knowledge that we were part of something special. And who knows, maybe one day the show will come back, and we'll be able to binge-watch it all over again. Until then, farewell, and may your viewing experiences always be filled with laughter, tears, and copious amounts of snacks.

People Also Ask About What To Do When Someone Dies TV Series

What is the TV series about?

The TV series What To Do When Someone Dies follows the story of two estranged siblings, who are forced to come together after their father's sudden death. The show explores the complex emotions and relationships that arise during the grieving process.

Is it a comedy or drama?

The show falls under the genre of dark comedy, which means that it deals with serious topics in a humorous way. So, if you're looking for a good laugh while dealing with grief, this show might just be perfect for you.

What can I expect from the show?

You can expect a roller coaster of emotions, witty one-liners, and unexpected twists and turns. The show's unique blend of humor and drama will keep you hooked from start to finish.

Does the show offer any practical advice?

While the show is primarily focused on entertainment, it does offer some practical advice on what to do when someone dies. For example, it shows how important it is to have a will in place, and how to deal with funeral arrangements.

Who should watch this show?

This show is suitable for anyone who enjoys dark humor and is interested in exploring the complexities of grief and family dynamics. It's a must-watch for anyone who has ever lost a loved one and is looking for a light-hearted take on the grieving process.

What sets this show apart from other TV series?

This show stands out from other TV series because of its unique blend of humor and drama. It tackles serious issues such as death and grief, but does so in a way that is both entertaining and thought-provoking.

Overall, is it worth watching?

Absolutely! What To Do When Someone Dies is a refreshing take on the topic of death and grief. It's a well-written, well-acted show that will make you laugh, cry, and think. So, grab some tissues and get ready for an emotional ride!