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It Z Just What We Do

It Z Just What We Do is a platform for sharing inspiring stories and experiences related to education, technology, and personal growth. Join us!

Are you tired of all those boring, serious articles out there? Well, don't worry because this one is going to be different. Why, you ask? Because we're talking about It Z Just What We Do - the hilariously quirky brand that's been taking the world by storm.

First of all, let's talk about the name. It Z Just What We Do - what does that even mean? Well, that's part of the charm. It's like a secret code among those in the know. You say it with a wink and a nod, and suddenly you're part of the club.

But it's not just the name that's funny. The products themselves are downright hilarious. From their I'm Not Arguing, I'm Just Explaining Why I'm Right t-shirt to their I Don't Get Drunk, I Get Awesome koozie, everything they sell is designed to make you laugh.

And let's not forget about their social media presence. Their Instagram account is a treasure trove of memes and ridiculousness, with captions like Me trying to be productive on a Monday accompanied by a picture of a sloth sleeping.

But here's the thing - it's not just all fun and games. Behind the humor is a company that truly cares about its customers. They go above and beyond to make sure every order is perfect, and they're always open to feedback and suggestions.

Plus, they're committed to giving back. A portion of every purchase goes to support various charities, so you can feel good about your hilarious new t-shirt or coffee mug knowing that you're also making a difference in the world.

So whether you're looking for a gift for your sarcastic best friend or just need a little pick-me-up in your own life, It Z Just What We Do has got you covered. And let's be real - who couldn't use a little more laughter in their day-to-day?

And if you're still not convinced, just take a look at some of their reviews:

I bought the 'I Have No Idea What I'm Doing' mug and it's become my go-to for Monday mornings. It makes me laugh and helps me power through the day.

I got the 'I'm Not Arguing' t-shirt for my husband and he wears it all the time. It's become his signature look.

The customer service at 'It Z Just What We Do' is top-notch. They went out of their way to make sure my order was perfect, and even threw in a free sticker. I'll definitely be ordering from them again.

So what are you waiting for? Head on over to their website and join the club. It Z just what we do, after all.


Have you ever wondered what it is that we humans do on a daily basis? Well, look no further because I have the answer. It Z just what we do. From waking up in the morning to going to bed at night, there are certain things that we just can't help but do. So sit back, relax and let me take you on a journey through the everyday actions of a human being.

The Morning Routine:

It all starts with the sound of our alarm clock blaring in our ears, forcing us to wake up from our peaceful slumber. We groggily make our way to the bathroom, brush our teeth, wash our face and get dressed for the day ahead. Some of us might even indulge in a cup of coffee or tea to get our engines running. But no matter what our morning routine consists of, one thing is for sure - we all do it.

The Commute:

Whether we drive, take public transportation or walk to work, the commute is a necessary evil that we all have to endure. We sit in traffic, stand in crowded trains or walk on busy sidewalks, all while trying to get to our destination on time. And let's not forget about the dreaded small talk we make with our co-workers or fellow commuters. But hey, it Z just what we do.

The Work Day:

For most of us, the majority of our day is spent at work. We sit at our desks, attend meetings, answer emails and try to meet deadlines. It can be stressful and exhausting, but it Z just what we do to make a living. And let's not forget about the countless cups of coffee we consume to keep us going throughout the day.

The Lunch Break:

Ah, the lunch break. A much-needed respite from the hustle and bustle of the work day. We take a break from our screens, grab some food and catch up with our colleagues. Some of us might even use this time to run errands or hit the gym. It Z just what we do to break up the monotony of the work day.

The Afternoon Slump:

As the day wears on, we start to feel the effects of the afternoon slump. Our eyes get heavy, our minds get foggy and we start to lose focus. It Z just what we do to try and power through the rest of the day. Some of us might indulge in a sugary snack or take a quick walk outside to wake ourselves up.

The Commute Home:

After a long day at work, we make our way back home. We sit in traffic, stand in crowded trains or walk on busy sidewalks once again. But this time, we're heading towards the comfort of our homes and loved ones. It Z just what we do to unwind after a long day.

The Evening Routine:

Just like how our day started, it ends with a routine. We change into our comfortable clothes, wash our face and brush our teeth. Some of us might even indulge in a glass of wine or beer to relax. But no matter what our evening routine consists of, one thing is for sure - we all do it.

The Entertainment:

Whether it's binge-watching our favorite TV show, reading a book or playing video games, we all have our preferred form of entertainment. It Z just what we do to unwind and escape from reality for a little while.

The Bedtime:

As the night wears on, we start to feel the effects of fatigue once again. We make our way to bed, turn off the lights and close our eyes. And just like that, another day has come and gone. It Z just what we do to prepare ourselves for the next day ahead.


So there you have it - a day in the life of a human being. From the morning routine to the bedtime routine, there are certain things that we just can't help but do. It may not always be glamorous or exciting, but it Z just what we do. So embrace the routine and live life to the fullest!

It Z Just What We Do

At first glance, you might think we're a little odd. But let me tell you, embracing our quirks is just what we do. From making friends with strangers to laughing at our own jokes, we shamelessly indulge in our guilty pleasures and overreact to every little thing.

Making Friends with Strangers

Walking up to a stranger may seem intimidating to some, but not to us. We see it as an opportunity to make a new friend. Whether it's in line at the grocery store or sitting next to someone on public transportation, we strike up a conversation and see where it goes. It's not uncommon for us to exchange numbers and make plans to hang out later. Hey, you never know when you'll meet your new best friend!

Laughing at Our Own Jokes

We can't help it, we think we're hilarious. And even if no one else is laughing, we are. We'll crack a joke and then proceed to laugh for a good five minutes afterwards. Sure, it may be a bit embarrassing, but who cares? We're having a good time, and that's all that matters.

Being Shamelessly Extra

Why settle for ordinary when you can be extra? We love to go above and beyond, whether it's with our outfits, decorations, or social media posts. Some may call it excessive, but we call it fabulous. We don't shy away from being a little extra, because it's just what we do.

Taking Too Many Selfies

If you look through our camera roll, you'll find an abundance of selfies. We just can't resist capturing the moment and showing off our best angles. We'll take a selfie in pretty much any situation, from brunch with friends to sitting on the couch watching Netflix. It may seem narcissistic, but to us, it's just part of the fun.

Dancing Like No One's Watching

When the music comes on, we can't help but dance. And we don't care who's watching. We'll bust out our best moves, and if someone happens to capture it on video, even better. We're not professional dancers, but that doesn't stop us from having a good time and letting loose.

Indulging in Our Guilty Pleasures

We all have that one thing that we love, but maybe we're a little embarrassed to admit it. For us, it might be binge-watching reality TV shows or indulging in a pint of ice cream. But we don't feel guilty about it, because we know it brings us joy. Life's too short to deny yourself the things you love.

Candidly Sharing Our Embarrassing Stories

We've all had those moments that make us cringe when we think back on them. But instead of trying to forget about them, we share them with our friends. It's not about seeking attention or sympathy, it's about laughing at ourselves and finding humor in our mistakes. Plus, it's a great way to bond with others over shared embarrassing experiences.

Overreacting to Every Little Thing

Some might call us dramatic, but we prefer to think of ourselves as passionate. When something exciting happens, we'll jump up and down and scream with excitement. And when something goes wrong, we'll cry and wallow in self-pity for a bit. It may seem like we're overreacting, but to us, it's just a way to fully experience our emotions.

Procrastinating Until the Last Possible Moment

Deadlines are a bit of a challenge for us. We'll tell ourselves we have plenty of time, and then suddenly realize that the deadline is tomorrow. But somehow, we always manage to pull it off. Maybe it's the rush of adrenaline that comes with working under pressure, or maybe we're just really good at making things happen at the last minute. Either way, procrastination is just part of our process.

In the end, it all comes down to one thing: being true to ourselves. We don't try to fit in with the crowd or conform to societal norms. We embrace our quirks and enjoy life on our terms. And you know what? It's pretty darn fun.

It Z Just What We Do

The Story of It Z Just What We Do

Once upon a time, there was a small village called Zville. The villagers of Zville were known for their unique way of life. They had a saying, It Z Just What We Do, which meant that they did things in their own peculiar way. For example, they would wear their hats backwards, walk on their hands instead of their feet, and sing instead of talking.

One day, a traveler came to Zville and was amazed by the villagers' way of life. He asked them why they did things differently. The villagers simply replied, It Z Just What We Do. The traveler was confused but intrigued at the same time. He decided to stay in Zville for a while to understand their way of life better.

As time passed, the traveler started to adapt to the villagers' way of life. He began to wear his hat backwards, walk on his hands, and even started singing instead of talking. The villagers were delighted to see the traveler embracing their way of life. They said, Welcome to Zville. It Z Just What We Do.

Eventually, the traveler had to leave Zville and return to his home. But he took with him the lesson that it's okay to be different and to do things in your own way. He realized that sometimes, it's good to break free from the norms and embrace your individuality.

The Point of View of It Z Just What We Do

It Z Just What We Do is a humorous phrase that represents the point of view of the villagers of Zville. They take pride in their unique way of life and don't care about conforming to society's norms. They believe that life is too short to be serious all the time and that it's important to have fun and embrace your individuality.

The point of view of It Z Just What We Do is a refreshing one. It encourages people to break free from the monotony of everyday life and to embrace their quirks and idiosyncrasies. Life is more enjoyable when you're not afraid to be yourself and do things in your own way.

Table of Keywords

Keyword Definition
Zville A small village known for its unique way of life
It Z Just What We Do A humorous phrase representing the villagers' point of view
Individuality The quality or character of a particular person or thing that distinguishes them from others
Quirks An unusual habit or way of behaving
Idiosyncrasies A distinctive or peculiar feature or characteristic of a person or thing

So, That's It! We're Done Here!

Well, well, well! We have come to the end of our journey together. I hope you enjoyed reading this article as much as I enjoyed writing it. It was a fun ride, wasn't it? We talked about so many things, from the importance of humor to the history of memes. We delved deep into the world of internet culture and explored the reasons why we love to share funny content online.

But now, it's time to say goodbye. Don't worry; we'll meet again soon. You can always come back to this blog for more hilarious content and insightful discussions. As for me, I'll keep on doing what I do best – making people laugh. Because, you know what? It z just what we do!

Before we part ways, let's recap some of the main points we covered in this article:

Firstly, we talked about the power of humor and how it can help us cope with difficult situations. Whether it's a bad day at work or a global pandemic, laughter is often the best medicine. As the old saying goes, laughter is the shortest distance between two people.

Next, we explored the history of memes and how they have become an integral part of our online culture. From the Dancing Baby to Pepe the Frog, memes have evolved over the years, but their power to unite and entertain remains the same.

We also talked about the different types of humor and how they can be used to create funny content. Whether it's satire, parody, or slapstick, there's something for everyone when it comes to comedy.

Of course, we couldn't forget about the role of social media in spreading humor and memes. From Facebook to TikTok, social media platforms have given us a way to share our favorite content with millions of people around the world.

Finally, we discussed why we love to share funny content online and how it can bring us closer together. Whether we're sharing a silly meme with our friends or watching a funny video with our family, laughter has a way of breaking down barriers and connecting us with others.

So, there you have it – a brief summary of our journey together. I hope you found this article informative and entertaining. If you have any comments or questions, feel free to leave them below. I always love hearing from my readers.

Before I go, I want to leave you with one final thought: don't forget to laugh! Life is too short to take everything seriously. So, the next time you're feeling down, just remember – it z just what we do!

Thank you for reading, and I'll see you again soon!

People Also Ask About It Z Just What We Do

What is It Z Just What We Do?

It Z Just What We Do is a phrase used to describe something that is habitual or typical behavior for a person or group. It's like saying, This is just how we roll.

Why do people say It Z Just What We Do?

People say It Z Just What We Do to explain why they behave in a certain way or to excuse their actions. It's a way of saying, This is who we are, and we're not going to change.

Is It Z Just What We Do a valid excuse?

It depends on the situation. If you're using it as an excuse for bad behavior or poor performance, then no, it's not a valid excuse. However, if you're using it to explain your cultural or personal customs, then it can be a valid explanation.

Can It Z Just What We Do be used in a humorous way?

Absolutely! In fact, many people use it in a humorous way to poke fun at themselves or their group. For example, We always show up late to parties. It Z Just What We Do! It can also be used sarcastically to make fun of someone else's behavior, like Oh, he's always interrupting people. It Z Just What He Does.

Is It Z Just What We Do a good motto to live by?

No, not really. While it's important to embrace your culture and traditions, it's also important to be open to change and growth. Saying It Z Just What We Do can limit your potential and prevent you from trying new things or improving yourself.

Can It Z Just What We Do be used in a professional setting?

It's probably not a good idea. Using slang or informal language in a professional setting can make you appear unprofessional or uneducated. Stick to more formal language and avoid using phrases like It Z Just What We Do.

  • Overall, It Z Just What We Do is a fun and lighthearted phrase that can be used to explain cultural or habitual behavior.
  • It can be used humorously, but it's important not to rely on it as an excuse for poor behavior or performance.
  • While it's okay to embrace your culture and traditions, it's also important to be open to change and growth.
  • And remember, in a professional setting, it's best to stick to more formal language.